Westbrook Partners for Prevention unites community partners across sectors to ensure Westbrook youth stay on track and have the support they need to graduate from high school and reach their full potential. An important part of these efforts is implementing youth substance use prevention strategies that include the entire community, including Westbrook businesses and residents.
While the youth substance use prevention efforts are year-round, there is one time of year that exemplifies the breadth of the community support and partnerships: Prevention Week.
For one week in May leading to prom, Westbrook Partners for Prevention unites the community around programs and activities designed to help keep teens safe during this high-risk time of the school year.
While prevention efforts are year-round, during high-risk times, like prom and graduation, the Westbrook Police Department, Westbrook High School students, and local retailers work together to help prevent adults from selling and serving alcohol to minors. The students help place bright orange “Sticker Shock” messages in stores to remind adults about the legal consequences of providing alcohol to minors. Large stores like Hannaford, as well as smaller local stores, participate to get the word out about Sticker Shock.
During prom season, various businesses participate in prevention activities by displaying and distributing prom safety messages. Florists, restaurants, tuxedo rental shops, hair dressers, and other local businesses distribute materials to teens designed to remind them to make safe decisions and stay substance-free.
However, these programs do more than remind people how they can help prevent underage drinking, it actually helps make the community stronger and more connected.
Virtual ‘Sticker Shock’ Participation EmblemDownloadAlcohol Seller/Server Toolkit (complete)
Card ME Guide from Maine Office of Substance Abuse
Take Out, Dine Out, Delivery Rules during COVID-19 Flyer from Maine Prevention Services
Maine Bureau of Alcoholic Beverages and Lottery Operations
What Your Establishment Can Do to Keep Westbrook Healthy and Safe: Help Prevent Alcohol Misuse
Laws: https://goodtoknowmaine.com/laws/
Cannabis in the US: A Toolkit for Non-Citizens: https://pttcnetwork.org/centers/new-england-pttc/2021-fellowship-program-product-cannabis-united-states-toolkit-non
Medication Misuse
Medication Safety Posters from the Northern New England Poison Center
Downloads available in multiple languages:
Mental Health
National Institute of Mental Health: Working to transform the understanding and treatment of mental illnesses. http://www.nimh.nih.gov/
Electronic Cigarettes
Basic information about e-cigarettes from CDC’s Office on Smoking and Health.
Surgeon General’s Advisory on E-cigarette Use Among Youth
Guide Policy Playbook for E-cigarettes
This resource provides policy and advocacy tools for communities, public health practitioners, educators, and others to help address youth e-cigarette use.
Other resources
Lakes Region Recovery Center, Bridgton, ME
Supports for people in recovery and family/friends of someone with a substance use disorder. Offers virtual and in-person meetings/classes, recovery coaching, and peer-to-peer supports
Portland Recovery Community Center, Portland, ME
Supports for people in recovery and family/friends of someone with a substance use disorder. Offers virtual and in-person meetings/classes, recovery coaching, and peer-to-peer supports
Westbrook Recovery Liaison
Danielle Rideout
Call or Text: 207-303-4009
Email: drideout@westbrook.me.us
NNEPC.org Northern New England Poison Control: 1-800-222-2122
211 Maine: Dial 211 or text your zip code to 898-211